Trend Forecast 2023

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New Attitudes to living with focused space, planning, longevity, comfort, and functionality are all prevalent in a new shift in the way we live. A drive on the spirit of individualism stands out here and we channel this in all our schemes. The schemes we present have the homebuyer in mind, connecting them to the space instantly, and so they can envisage themselves living there.

Therefore, we use trend forecasting so we are always ahead of the curve and will present something energising to connect with a targeted market. The trends that we show below are all interconnected in various ways and are catered to our client’s specific needs when implemented into a scheme.

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Pattern & Texture

We will begin to see a rise in tufted fabrics and more open weaves, this layering of textures allows us to explore through touch and it’s this tactility that engages us in these textiles. Many of these will have visible yarn or irregular patterns making each piece have a unique feel.

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Travel Inspired Interiors

With people travelling more now, we are inspired by nomadic adventures and being exposed to earth tones, and green tones seen in oceans worldwide. Print and texture relating to Moroccan architecture, fabrics, and colour that although warn and earth-like in tone, have subtle clashes that we will see implemented into the design world.

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Modern Retro

We will see a strong draw to nostalgia therefore, we will have a sense of connection with familiar shapes and styles from the past. Reinvented shapes and patterns offer us that Modern Retro style that are energetic and playful with an air of elegance but also sit well with contemporary pieces.

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Artisan Influence

The tactility of an artisan object has a real connection to the process of making and the product will showcase this honesty and rawness in every piece. Think irregular surfaces, cracked glazes, and finishes with natural pigment colours.

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Form & Function

With roots in the ’70s and ’80s curves and layers are back with us. Sharp edges are now smoothed to offer a more appealing, easy-on-the-eye shape. This can be applied to occasional chairs, sofas, and even sectional sofas through to coffee tables and more.

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Certified Sustainable

The new draw is to surround ourselves with objects and fabric that are both sustainable and durable. Multiple concerns around the environment drive us to be more responsible and share values for the future of our planet. The consequences of not investing in its well-being are a big drive to make a difference. Fabric made from plastic bottles and recycled yarns are becoming commonplace when designing a scheme.

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The Colour Combinations

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